
Take the leap and compete in one of Target Alpha Canada’s four major competitions!


Stock Pitch Competition

Target Alpha’s Stock Pitch Competition is Canada’s largest stock pitch competition for high school students, in which competitors pitch a stock to industry professionals. Over 300 students participated in last year’s Stock Pitch Competition.

SPC 2023 was done in partnership with our academic partner, UofT MAccFin.


Target Alpha’s Stock Trading (STC) Competition allows students to buy and sell stocks of their choice in an eventful 3-month simulation with sponsor-led workshops. Over 380 students competed in last year’s Stock Trading Competition.

Stock Trading Competition


Financial Planner’s Conference

Target Alpha’s Financial Planners Competition (FPC) allows participants to create and pitch a solution to a case study in groups of 1-4 members. Over 300 students participated in last year’s Financial Planners’ Conference.

Junior Stock Trading Competition


Target Alpha’s Junior Stock Trading (JSTC) Competition allows middle school students to buy and sell stocks of their choice in an eventful month-long simulation with weekly educational workshops. Over 280 students competed in last year’s competition.